Elegant Art Gallery – Fine Art

Elegant Art Gallery – Fine Art

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My love for Fine Art started many years ago. When I was a child I remember going to Art Museums and marveling at all the different paintings, and sculptures. I found myself drifting into the paintings as if they were a door to another place and time. As I grew older I realized that I would one day have my own art collection, not necessarily expensive art, but art that I enjoyed.

While driving home one day I saw a man and woman with oil paintings set up outside of a van on the side of the road. I decided to stop and look, since I had just built a new home and needed some art for my rooms. To my surprise they had several paintings that I thought would work perfectly with my décor, and quite reasonably priced. I negotiated a deal for them to come to my home and mount several paintings that I purchased. After they mounted the paintings, they showed me several other paintings that would work in every room. My wife and daughter fell in love with several paintings and we finished our home with beautiful paintings, some of them I still own today.

Since I began buying and selling art, I found that my taste for Fine Art has changed somewhat, and now I have many more options with the internet. There are Fine Art Websites that allow you to find Oil Paintings, Drawings, Photographs, and Prints from many Sellers. Since I constantly search the internet for art and art related articles, I found a need for a website that would offer Fine Art, art related videos, and art related articles, all in one place. I got the idea to create my new website Elegant Art Gallery.

Elegant Art Gallery offers art related articles from the blog, enough art related videos to keep you entertained all day, a large collection of Fine Art, Drawings, Photographs, and Prints that you can purchase from various artist.

I noticed that when I watch television, visit a friend, or go shopping, I always look at the art in the room. Art can tell you a lot about a person and everyone sees art through different eyes. I personal like most Abstract, Contemporary, Art Deco and Modern Art. If you are a true Fine Art Lover, you will always find room for another piece to add to your collection.

By: WDiggins